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Base 10->Base N 
This program converts numbers in base 10 to any other base.  The results are displayed and also stored in list variable L0.
Note: Because of limitations on what can be displayed, digits for bases larger than 10 are not displayed using letters as is the custom normally. For example, the hexadecimal result 8A9C would be displayed as {8,10,9,13}. It is up to the user to convert to letters.

Base N->Base 10 
This program converts numbers in any other base to base 10.  The number in the other base must be stored in list variable L0 prior to running the program.
Note: Because of limitations on what can be displayed, digits for bases larger than 10 are not entered using letters as is the custom normally. For example, the hexadecimal result 8A9C would need to be entered into L0 as {8,10,9,13}.

Note: For a decimal/hex converter that really gives results correctly displayed, see Library L1542 on the Misc Aplets page. It converts much better than my program.

HCF Finder 
This program finds the highest common factor of two numbers.

Num Sequences 
This program creates a list containing the most commonly used sequences in mathematics classrooms: the squares, triangular numbers, Fibonacci numbers and the primes. The list can be of any length wanted but memory may become a problem for very long choices and the time increases fairly drastically beyond 100.
Note: The primes are represented by placing a 1 (prime) or a 0 (non-prime) next to the number.
Matrix M0 is used as temporary storage for the list, and is deleted once finished.

This program checks to see if a number is prime.  If not then the first factor found is displayed.

Prime factors 
This program finds the list of prime factors of a number, listing them in ascending order.
Note: The program works by checking through a list of known primes built into the program itself. The list only extends up to 500 so if the number has a prime factor larger than that then it won't be able to find it (and will report this).

This does NOT mean that you can't factor numbers larger than 500; it only matters if they have a FACTOR that is larger than 500.
You can add to the built-in list of known primes if you want to by editing the code.

Prime List 
This program creates a list of prime numbers, storing them into list variable L0. It is a fairly time consuming process so you need to be patient. To see the list you need to change into the List Catalogue and EDIT list L0.

Last modified: 19 Dec 2007                                             Sitemap        Home        Contact Me